My Ikigai
My ikigai lies in transforming healthcare administration to better serve patients and communities. I see a world that requires innovative and compassionate healthcare leadership, and I am dedicated to answering that call to effect meaningful change, ultimately aiming to enhance patient care and community health
Personal Brand Statement
I am a committed future public health professional with a comprehensive academic foundation from the University of New South Wales. My primary focus lies in the realm of healthcare administration, aiming to introduce efficiencies and augment capacity-building within the public health workforce. My extensive experience, reflected through my Masters program, demonstrates my proficiency in addressing the complexities of public health.
I harbor a particular interest in hospital management, recognising their critical importance in the provision of comprehensive healthcare provision. Working both domestically and with an aspiration to contribute internationally, I intend to utilise my skills and knowledge to improve these systems and their efficiency.
Inspired by my extensive academic journey and the pressing needs of the public health sector, I am motivated to make significant strides in this field. My professional goal is to apply my insights and expertise to foster impactful improvements in public health, focusing particularly on healthcare administration and workforce development.